

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Jackhammer 'Spiel

Jackhammer 'Spiel

The Brookings Curling Club is excited to be hosting it's second annual Jackhammer 'Spiel! The Jackhammer 'Spiel is back, bigger, and more bonspielier than ever! Gather your friends and get your team ready because it's going to be a blast!

When: February 7th to 9th 2025
Where: Larson Ice Center
Price: $300/Team

There will be a three game guarantee and two dinners, breakfast, and snacks will be provided with your registration. Drinks will be available throughout the event. There will be games, prizes, and fun to be had by everyone!

Event Properties

Event Date Fri, 02-07-2025
Event End Date Sun, 02-09-2025
Cut off date Sun, 03-02-2025
Registered 48
Available place 48
Fixed group price USD300.00
Location Larson Ice Center

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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Larson Ice Center
924 32nd Avenue
Brookings, SD 57006

Contact Info

Brookings Curling Club
Brookings, SD 57006

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